日 時: 7月 29 日(月) 15時30分~ 17時
※ 通常と曜日が異なりますので,ご注意ください.
講 演 者: Luca Prelli 氏(CMAF, Lisbon 大学)
題 目: Specialization along a family of divisors
(joint work with N.Honda, Hokkaido University)
The multi-specialization functor is a natural extension of the specialization functor along a single closed submanifold to
that along several closed ones. It generalizes the bi-specialization of Schapira and Takeuchi. This functor gives important objects in analysis such as
the sheaves of strongly asymptotically developable holomorphic
functions. We will explain, in this talk, these new functor
and relative properties.
日 時: 5月15日(水) 15時30分~17時
場 所: 自然学系棟D棟 509 教室
講 演 者: Francisco-Jesus Castro-Jimenez 氏(University of Seville)
題 目: ``Gevrey solutions and integrals of exponential type for irregular hypergeometric systems"
I will review some results (obtained by M.C. Fernandez-Fernandez) about
the irregularity complex of a A-hypergeometric system with respect to
coordinate hyperplanes and I will also treat integral representations of
Gevrey solutions in the case of a one row matrix $A$. These last results
are part of a joint work with M. Granger.
日 時: 5月15日(水) 15時30分~17時
場 所: 自然学系棟D棟 509 教室
講 演 者: Francisco-Jesus Castro-Jimenez 氏(University of Seville)
題 目: ``Gevrey solutions and integrals of exponential type for irregular hypergeometric systems"
I will review some results (obtained by M.C. Fernandez-Fernandez) about
the irregularity complex of a A-hypergeometric system with respect to
coordinate hyperplanes and I will also treat integral representations of
Gevrey solutions in the case of a one row matrix $A$. These last results
are part of a joint work with M. Granger.
解析セミナー (3月27日)
日 時: 3月 27 日(水) 15時30分~ 17時
講 演 者: Jean Vaillant 氏 (パリ第6大学)
題 目: "Condition of hyperbolicity of linear systems "
解析セミナー (3月6日)
日 時: 3月 6 日(水) 15時30分~ 17時
講 演 者: 貝塚 公一氏(筑波大学)
題 目: "A characterization of the $L^{2}$-range of the Poisson transform on symmetric spaces of noncompact type "
講 演 者: 貝塚 公一氏(筑波大学)
題 目: "A characterization of the $L^{2}$-range of the Poisson transform on symmetric spaces of noncompact type "
日 時:2月6日(水)16時45分~18時15分
講 演 者: 筧 知之 氏(岡山大学)
題 目: "Magnetic Schr\"odinger equation on compact symmetric spaces andgeodesic Radon transform of $1$-forms"
講 演 者: 筧 知之 氏(岡山大学)
題 目: "Magnetic Schr\"odinger equation on compact symmetric spaces andgeodesic Radon transform of $1$-forms"