

解析・幾何セミナー (Salvatori Niccolo 氏)


 日  時: 7月18日(火) 16時40分 〜 17時40分
    場  所 : 筑波大学 自然系学系 D棟 D509教室
 講 演 者: Salvatori Niccolo (King's College London)

 題  目: The Residue Analytic Torsion and Logarithmic Topological 
                    Quantum Field Theory
Closed odd-dimensional manifolds with trivial cohomology can be distinguished by their analytic torsion (a secondary topological invariant introduced by Ray and Singer in 1971 that coincides with the Reidemeister torsion). In this talk, we will show that analytic torsion can be equivalently obtained by the (quasi) trace of a log-polyhomogenous operator and, by the use of Wodzicki's residue, we will define and study an exotic torsions: the residue analytic torsion, which turns out to be a smooth invariant in some occasions, with properties that are complementary to those of the analytic torsion. Then, we will define the new concept of LogTQFT and use the residue torsion to provide an example. If time allows, we will present a generalization of the previous results to families of closed manifolds and to manifolds with boundary.


桑原 敏郎 (kuwabara-at-math.tsukuba.ac.jp)
守屋 克洋 (

解析セミナー Jean Vaillant氏


 ------ 筑波大学解析セミナーのお知らせ  ------

 日  時: 3月15日(水) 16時 〜 17時

 講 演 者: Jean Vaillant 氏(Paris VI)

 題  目: Conditions of hyperbolicity for systems of linear partial differntial equations


【 場所 】 筑波大学 自然系学系D棟 D509 教室



 以下の要領で臨時 解析セミナーを行います.
  日  時: 2 月 23 日(月) 15時30分~17時
   ※ いつもと曜日が違いますので,ご注意ください.

 場  所: 自然学系棟D棟 509教室 
 講 演 者: Konstantin Pankrashkin 氏(University Paris-Sud) 

 題  目:  ``On eigenvalues of a Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions"
 We are going to discuss the spectral problem
 -\Delta u= E u, du/dn =B u 
  in smooth domains, with an attention to the situation when the parameter B   
   becomes large. We show that the problem essentially lives at the boundary
   of the domain, and the contributions of various geometric characteristics
   are shown. A link with Faber-Krahn-type inequalities is discussed.


日   時: 5 月 28 日(水) 15時30分~17時

講 演 者: 山澤 浩司 氏 (芝浦工業大学)

題  目: q-Analogue of summability of formal solutions of linear q-difference-differential equations


日   時: 5 月 14 日(水) 15時30分~17時

場   所: D509

講 演 者: 千原 浩之 氏 (筑波大学)

題   目: Fourth order dispersive systems and dispersive flows into Riemann surfaces


日   時: 4 月 30 日(水) 15時30分~17時

講 演 者: Alexandru DIMCA 氏 (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis)

題   目: D-modules and projective hypersurfaces with isolated singularities

講演要旨は こちら をご覧ください.

解析セミナー (3月5日)

日時: 2014年3月5日(水) 15:00~17:30
場所: 自然系学系棟 D509

15:00~15:50  Jean Vaillant 氏 (パリ第6大学)
Necessary and sufficient conditions of hyperbolicity for linear differential systems.

16:00~17:30  伊藤 健一 氏 (筑波大学)
Threshold properties of one-dimensional discrete Schrödinger operators.
(講演の概要はこちら をご覧ください.)



日  時: 2月18日(火)15時30分~17時00分

講 演 者: Elmar Schrohe 氏 (Leibniz Universit\"at Hannover)

題  目: Solvability of a Degenerate Boundary Value Problem

要  旨: Following work of K.\ Taira we consider the boundary value problem
$$Au=f\text{ in } X,\qquad Lu=g \text{ on }\partial X,$$
where $X$ is a compact manifold with boundary,
$A$ is a strongly elliptic second order operator which in local coordinates is of the form
$$A=\sum_{jk}a^{jk}\partial_{x_j}\partial_{x_k}+\sum b^j\partial_{x_j} + c$$
with real coefficients $a^{jk}=a^{jk}, b^j,c$ in the Htlder class $C^\tau$, $\tau>2$.
We require that
$\sum a^{jk}\xi_j\xi_k\ge \alpha |\xi|^2$ for some $\alpha>0$ and  $0\not\equiv c\le0$.

The  boundary condition $L$ is assumed to be of the form
$$Lu = \mu_0\gamma_0u + \mu_1\gamma_1u,$$
where $\gamma_0$ is the evaluation map at the boundary
and $\gamma_1$ is the evaluation of the exterior normal derivative at the boundary.
The $C^\tau$-functions $\mu_0$ and $\mu_1$ on $\partial X$
are supposed to be nonnegative with $\mu_0+\mu_1$ strictly positive everywhere.

Using the calculus of pseudodifferential operators with symbols of limited regularity
we then show the solvability of the boundary value problem
in various classes of Sobolev and Zygmund spaces with regularity
depending on the smoothness $\tau$ of the coefficients.
We also study the resolvent in suitable sectors of the complex plane.

\hfill (joint work with M. Hassan Zadeh)

【 場所 】 自然学系D棟 509教室


日  時: 1月16日(木)15時30分~17時00分

講 演 者: Victor Isakov 氏 (Wichita State University)

題  目: On increasing stability in the Cauchy and inverse problems for the
Helmholtz type elliptic equations

要  旨: We derive conditional stability estimates for the Helmholtz type equations
which are becoming of Lipschitz type for large frequencies/wave numbers.
Proofs use splitting solutions into low and high frequencies parts where we use energy
(in particular) Carleman estimates. We discuss numerical confirmation and open problems.

We report on new stability estimates for recovery of the near field from the scattering
amplitude and for Schroedinger potential from the Dirichlet-to Neumann map. In these
estimates unstable (logarithmic part) goes to zero as the wave number grows. Proofs
are using new bounds for Hankel functions and complex and real geometrical optics solutions.

【 場所 】 自然学系D棟 509教室

特異点理論についての講演会 (1月14日)

場所:筑波大学 自然系学系 D棟 D509 教室

題目: Singularities at infinity of polynomial mappings
講師:Tat Thang Nguyen 
(Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Sciences) 

Let F: C^n \to C^m be a polynomial mapping. It is  well-known that F
defines a locally trivial fibration outside some subset of C^m which is
called the "bifurcation set". In order to study the topology  of the map F
one problem should be solved is: to characterize the  bifurcation set of
F. In this talk, I will recall known results for this problem  and give
our solution for the problem in some particular cases.

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