


氏 名論 文 題 目

中澤 宣雄On Hypoellipticity for Pseudodifferential Operators

青木 充Some Decision Procedures for Comparison Problems

佐垣 大輔Crystal Bases, Path Models, and a Twining Character Formula for Demazure Modules

飛田 英祐Statistical Interval Prediction and Approximations to the Discrete Distributions

本田 寛伸The Cauchy Problem for Parabolic Equation

坂本 晋子Quasicrystals and Sturmian Words

津田 美幸The Bioequivalence Problem and the Quantum Estimation

杉山 和成b-Functions of Simple and2-Simple Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces

長坂 耕作A Study on the Approximate Multivariate Factorization

鎌田 保雄The Algorithm to Calculate the Period Matrix of the Curvexm+yn=1

対島浩司On the Invariant Ring of a Certain Finite Group and Modular Forms

P.T. ペネヴァOn Some Additive Problems in Analytic Number Theory


氏 名論 文 題 目

新井 達也Regular continua constructed by P-expansive maps of one-dimensional continua

大谷 信一Classification of semisimple finite prehomogeneous vector spaces and simple weakly spherical homogeneous spaces

金坂 尚礼Explicit structures of three-dimensional hypersurface purely elliptic singularities of type (0,1)

高橋 邦彦Higher order approximations for the statistical procedures

西平 祐治Sufficiency in the sequential experimentation

木下 保On the Cauchy problem for the weakly hyperbolic equations


氏 名論 文 題 目

佐藤 尊文Conformal flatness and self-duality of circle bundle metrics

陣 懐鵬On quotients-images of metric

上原 成功Multi-valued function spaces and compactifications of function spaces

北本 卓也Approximate algebra and its application to control system designs

森下 和彦Mappings on function spaces

鈴木登志雄Computational complexity of Boolean formulas with query symbols

石井 直紀On Riemann-Roch graphs and coverings overd-gonal curves


氏 名論 文 題 目

竹田 大佑A Classification of Irreducible Weakly Spherical Homogeneous Spaces

高橋 真生Representations of Normalizer Subgroup of Maximal Tori of the Classical Group of Type C

舞原 寛祐Set Estimation Procedures in Testing and Multiple Decision Problem

山内 貴光Selection Theorems on Realcompact Spaces and Finitistic Spaces

川口 慎二A Study of Absolute Embeddings on Relative Topological Properties

中川 知巳Volume Entropy, Geometry of Ideal Boundary, and Symmetry of Nonpositively Curved Manifolds

松橋 英市On Approximation Theorems of Maps from Compacta to Polyhedra

小川 琢磨Analogies between Circular Functions and Lemniscate Functions from a Viewpoint of Number Theory


氏 名論 文 題 目

坂口 英之General Linear Groups over Certain Completed Quantum Tori

宍戸 雄一Differential Geometry of the Fisher Information Metric and the Space of Probability Measures

山瀬 尊久The Geometry of Three-Dimensional Seiberg-Witten Theory

藤野 直樹Singular Limits of Scalar Conservation Laws

鈴木 宣哉Models of Peano Arithmetic as Modules over Initial Segments and Quantifier Elimination Results for Products of Ordered Abelian Groups