

日時 2016年9月29日(木)14:30〜15:30
場所 筑波大学 自然系学系D棟D814
講演者 安部哲哉 氏(大阪市立大学 数学研究所)
講演題目 Remark on the enhancement to the Milnor number
アブストラクト The enhancement to the Milnor number of a fibered link $L$ in the 3-sphere, denoted by $\lambda(L)$, is an integer valued invariant, which was introduced by Rudolph in 1987.
In this talk, we explain how to calculate this invariant from the monodromy of the fibered link, and give some examples of (hyperbolic) fibered links $L$ with $\lambda(L)<0$.
These examples are obtained by the annulus twist construction and are different from those of Neumann-Rudolph and Inaba.
This is joint work with Keiji Tagami.