Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics


Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics (cover)


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ISSN Printed edition 0387-4982
          Online edition 2423-821X

2022 Journal Impact Factor: 0.7


 Aim and History

The aim of this journal is to publish rapidly original contributions to pure and applied mathematics. All papers are refereed.

Tsukuba journal of mathematics is a continuation of Science Reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, Sect. A, Vol. 1-Vol.4, No 82(1930-1953) and Science Reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku,Sect. A, Vol. 4, No.83-Vol. 13, No. 382 (1954-1977).


 Call for Papers

The main purpose of Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics is to promote research activities in pure and applied mathematics by publishing original research papers very rapidly. Selection for publication is on the basis of reports from referees commissioned by the editorial committee. 

For more details, please see  Guide for Authors.


 Editorial Committee

 Tomoyuki Kakehi, Chair
 Akira Masuoka
 Hikaru Yamamoto
 Kazuyoshi Yata


 Associate Editors

   Shigeki Akiyama
 Makoto Aoshima
 Yuji Hamana
 Tomoyuki Kakehi
 Kazuhiro Kawamura
 Hajime Ono
 Daisuke Sagaki
 Yoshihiro Takeyama


 Advisory Board
Professor Hiroshi Isozaki ( Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Professor Takao Yamaguchi ( Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University, Japan
                                                Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba,Japan)
Professor Akito Tsuboi ( Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba,Japan)

 Contact and Subscription Information

Communications with this publication should be addressed to the chair of the editorial committee of Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics

Akira Masuoka (the chair of the editorial committee)
Department of Mathematics
University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571

E-mail address :journal at math.tsukuba.ac.jp

Subscription Agent
Japan Publications Trading Co., Ltd.
1-2-1 Sarugaku-cho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-0064 

E-mail address :serials at
Fax : +81-3-3292-0410

Table of contents

Mathematical Research Note

Nos. 2015-001-- 003
M. Akahira
N. Ohyauchi
Second order asymptotic loss of the MLE of a truncation parameter for a truncated exponential family of distributions
M. Akahira
N. Ohyauchi
Second order asymptotic loss of the MLE of a truncation parameter for a two-sided truncated exponential family of distributions
 2015-003     Masafumi Akahira
Second order asymptotic evaluation of the Bayes estimator of a truncation parameter for a one-sided truncated exponential family of distributions
記入者:yata | 編集 | 削除
Nos. 2014-001
M. Akahira,
S. Hashimoto,
K. Koike,
N. Ohyauchi
Second order asymptotic comparison of the MLE and MCLE for a two-sided truncated exponential family of distributions
Nos. 2013-001
Masafumi Akahira
Second order asymptotic comparison of the MLE and MCLE of a natural parameter for a truncated exponential family of distributions
Nos. 2010-001
Masafumi Akahira, Hyo Gyeong Kim and Nao Ohyauchi
Loss of information of a statistic for a family of non-regular distributions, II
Nos. 2009-001
M. Akahira,
N. Ohyauchi and S. Kawai
A higher order approximation to a percentage point of the distribution of a non-central t-statistic without the normality assumption