Mathematical Research Note
Nos. 2015-001-- 003
No. | Author | Title | 2015-001 | M. Akahira N. Ohyauchi | Second order asymptotic loss of the MLE of a truncation parameter for a truncated exponential family of distributions | 2015-002 | M. Akahira N. Ohyauchi | Second order asymptotic loss of the MLE of a truncation parameter for a two-sided truncated exponential family of distributions | 2015-003 | Masafumi Akahira | Second order asymptotic evaluation of the Bayes estimator of a truncation parameter for a one-sided truncated exponential family of distributions |
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Nos. 2013-001No. | Author | Title | 2013-001 | Masafumi Akahira | Second order asymptotic comparison of the MLE and MCLE of a natural parameter for a truncated exponential family of distributions | |
Nos. 2010-001
No. | Author | Title | 2010-001 | Masafumi Akahira, Hyo Gyeong Kim and Nao Ohyauchi | Loss of information of a statistic for a family of non-regular distributions, II | |
Nos. 2014-001
No. | Author | Title | 2014-001 | M. Akahira, S. Hashimoto, K. Koike, N. Ohyauchi
| Second order asymptotic comparison of the MLE and MCLE for a two-sided truncated exponential family of distributions |
Nos. 2007-001-- 003
No. | Author | Title | 2007-001 | Piero D'Ancona, Tamotu Kinoshita and Sergio Spagnolo | On the 2 by 2 Weakly Hyperbolic Systems | 2007-002 | Masafumi Akahira | The first and second order large-deviation efficiency for an exponential family of distributions and in certain curved exponential model | 2007-003 | Katsuhiro Moriya | Super-conformal surfaces associated with null complex holomorphic curves | |