Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics
Vol.40,No.1(2016) Author | Title | Page | Taro Murayama | A Probabilistic Approach to the Zero-Mass Limit Problem for Three Magnetic Relativistic Schrödinger Heat Semigroups | 1 | Marko Kostić | Abstract incomplete degenerate differential equations | 29 | Yuji Kasahara | Tails of the first hitting times of linear diffusions | 55 | Takashi Miyagawa | Analyticproperties of generalized Mordell-Tornheim type of multiple zeta-functions and L-functions | 81
| Peter Danchev | | 101
| Go Yamashita | A small remark on the filtered φ-module of Fermat varieties and Stickelberger's Theorem | 119 |
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Author | Title | Page | Daruhan Wu | An asymptotic extension of Moran construction in metric measure spaces | 167 | Yoshimi Kitamura and Yoshio Tanaka | Partially ordered rings Ⅱ | 181 | Enrique Castañeda-Alvarado and Javier Sanchez-Martinez | Enbedding products in symmetric products of continua | 199 | Yorimasa Oshime | Essential m-Sectoriality and essential spectrum of the Schrödinger operators with rapidly oscillating complex-valued potentials | 207
| Abhijit Banerjee and Sujoy Majumder | Certain nonlinear differential polynomial sharing a nonzero polynomial IM | 221
| Kumiko Nishioka and Seiji Nishioka | Autonomous equations of Mahler type and transcendence | 251 | Yuta Ogata | Spacelike constant mean curvature and maximal surfaces in 3-dimensional de Sitter space via Iwasawa splitting | 259
| Julien Bichon | Quotients and Hopf images of a smash coproduct | 285
| Toshikazu Miyashita | Erratum to "Realizations of globally exceptional $Z_2 x Z_2$- symmetric spaces" | 311 |
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Author | Title | Page | Nagatoshi Sasano | Lie algebras associated with a standard quadruplet and prehomogeneous vector spaces | 1 | G. A. Bagheri-Bardi | Generalized Fourier-Stieltjes algebra | 15 | Katsuhisa Koshino | The Baire property of certain hypo-graph spaces | 29 | Anthony C. Kable | On certain conformally invariant systems of differential equations II: Further study of type A systems | 39
| Yoshihiro Abe | Structural properties of ideals over $mathcal{P}_$&kappa$ ^$&Lambda$ I | 83
| Yasuyuki Oka | A characterization of the tempered distributions supported by a regular closed set in the Heisenberg group | 97 | Seiichiro Wakabayashi | On the Cauchy problem for a class of hyperbolic operators whose coefficients depend only on the time variable | 121
| Naotsugu Chinen and Tetsuya Hosaka | Erratum to ''Asymptotic dimension and boundary dimension of proper CAT(0) spaces '' | 165
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Author | Title | Page | Yuuki Tadokoro | The period matrix of the hyperelliptic curve $W^2=Z^{2g+1} -1$ | 137 | Ryunosuke Ozawa | Distance between metric measure spaces and distance matrix distributions | 159 | Makoto Kawashima | Evaluation of the dimension of the Q-vector space spanned by the special values of the Lerch function | 171 | Humio Ichimura | Refined version of Hasse's Satz 45 on class number parity | 189
| Takeshi Harui, Jiryo Komeda and Akira Ohbuchi | The Weierstrass semigroups on double covers of genus two curves | 201
| Setsuo Nagai | A characterization of isoparametric hypersurfaces in a sphere with $g<=3$ | 207 | Kan Kaneko | A method for finding a minimal point of the lattice in cubic number fields (II) | 227
| Toshikazu Miyashita | Realization of globally exceptional $Z_2 x Z_2$ - symmetric spaces | 239
| H. Brunotte | Corrigendum to "Periodicity and eigenvalues of matrices over quasi-max-plus algebras" | 313
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Author | Title | Page | Absos Ali Shaikh and Helaluddin Ahmad | Some transformations on ${(LCS)_n}$-manifolds | 1 | Yosuke Kuratomi | Goldie extending modules and generalizations of quasi-continuous modules | 25 | Yoshimi Kitamura and Yoshio Tanaka | | 39 | John Kalliongis and Ryo Ohashi | Non-fiber preserving actions on prism manifolds | 59 | Enrique Castaneda-Alvarado and Javier Sanchez-Martinez | Spheres, symmetric products, and quotient of hyperspaces of continua | 75 | Kan Kaneko | A method for finding a minimal point of the lattice in cubic number fields | 85 | Kazuki Okamura | On the range of self-interacting random walks on an integer interval | 123
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