Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics
Vol.32, No.2 (2008)
Author | Title | Page | Huaipeng Chen | Characterizations and properties of stratifiable spaces | 253 | Takamitsu Yamauchi | The role of countable paracompactness for continuous selections avoiding extreme points | 277 | Benharrat Belaïdi and Abdallah El Farissi | Relation between differential polynomials of certain complex linear differential equations and meromorphic functions of finite order | 291 | Akira Kamibeppu | Homotopy type of the box complexes of graphs without 4-cycles | 307 | Yoshio Matsuyama | Curvature pinching for Kaehler submanifolds of a complex projective space * | 315 | Daisuke Dobashi | A Characterization of tiling groups | 323 | Sorin Dragomir and Krishan L. Duggal | Indefinite extrinsic spheres | 335 | Jörg Brüdern | Representations of natural numbers as the sum of a prime and a k-th power | 349 | Taro Kimura | Stability of certain reflective submanifolds in compact symmetric spaces | 361 | Jörg Brüdern, Koichi Kawada and Trevor D. Wooley | Additive representation in thin sequences, VII: Restricted moments of the number of representations | 383 | Naonori Ishii and Katsuaki Yoshida | Correction to the automorphism group of a cyclic p-gonal curve | 407 | |
Vol.32, No.1 (2008)
Author | Title | Page | Hideyuki Sakaguchi | A Matsumoto-type theorem for linear groups over some completed quantum tori | 1 | Takashi Teshigawara | A condition for algebras associated with a cyclic quiver to be symmetric | 27 | Juhani Mieminen, Matti Peltola and Pasi Ruotsalainen | On Graphs Like Hypercubes | 37 | Erhan Güler and Aysel Turgut Vanli | On the mean, Gauss, the second Gaussian and the second mean curvature of the helicoidal surfaces with light-like axis in R31 | 49 | Kazuaki Taira | Introduction to boundary value problems of nonlinear elastostatics | 67 | Hidenori Tanaka | Submetacompactness and weak submetacompactness in countable products, 2 | 139 | P.V. Ramakrishnan and T. Lakshmi | A note on the fusion of two vertices in a fuzzy graph | 155 | Chuan Liu, Shou Lin and Lewis D. Ludwig | Spaces with a σ-point-discrete weak base | 165 | Yun-Feng Bai and Takuo Miwa | On p-maps and M-maps | 179 | Shigeki Akiyama, Horst Brunotte, Attila Pethö and Wolfgang Steiner | Periodicity of certain piecewise affine planar maps | 197 | |
Vol.31, No.2 (2007)
Author | Title | Page | Luigia Di Terlizzi, Jerzy J. Konderak and Robert Wolak | A generalization of the Boothby-Wang theorem | 217 | Mayuko Kon | Ricci recurrent CR submanifolds of a complex space form | 233 | Saburo Uchiyama | A further note on the generalized Josephus problem | 253 | Hyunjin Lee | Riemannian manifolds referred to warped product models | 261 | Katsumi AKAHORI | Remarks on the Clifford index of algebraic curves | 271 | Katsumi AKAHORI | Normal generation of line bundles of degree 2g-2h1(L)-Cliff(X)-k(k = 2,3,4) on Curves | 283 | Ryuji Sasaki | Hermitian Jacobi Forms of index one | 301 | Kiyoshi Mochizuki | On scattering for wave equations with time dependent coefficients | 327 | Takashi Sakai | Transferred kinematic formulae in two point homogeneous spaces | 343 | Masaya Tomie | Group presentation of the Schur-multiplier derived from a loop group | 355 | Kouhei Miura | Construction of harmonic maps between semi-Riemannian spheres | 397 | |
Vol.30, No.1 (2006)
Author | Title | Page | Naoya ANDO | Semisurfaces and The Equations of Codazzi-mainardi | 1 | Katsuya Mashimo | On the branching theorem of the pair (F4, Spin(9)) | 31 | Kenji Kuwabara | Grassmann Geometry on the groups of rigid motions on the Euclidean and the Minkowski planes | 49 | Jose Antonio de la Pena and Changchang Xi | Hochschild Cohomology of Algebras with Homological Ideals | 61 | Martha P. Dussan | Space-like isothermic surfaces and Grassmannian systems | 81 | P.A.Krutitskii and V.V.Kolybasova | The Dirichlet-Neumann Problem for the Dissipative Helmholtz Equation in a 2-D Cracked Domain with the Neumann Condition on Cracks | 103 | Katsuhiro Moriya | A space of minimal tori with one end and cyclic symmetry | 131 | Kotaro Mine | Universal spaces of non-separable absolute Borel classes | 137 | Sorin Dragomir and Ermanno Lanconelli | On first order linear PDE systems all of whose solutions are harmonic functions | 149 | Carlos Biasi and Alice Kimie Miwa Libardi | Remarks on the Bordism Intersection Map | 171 | Masato Yaguchi | Hyperspaces of finite subsets of non-separable Hilbert spaces | 181 | De-Jun Feng, Maki Furukado, Shunji Ito and Jun Wu | Pisot substitutions and the Hausdorff dimension of boundaries of Atomic surfaces | 195 | Toshiji Terada | Continuity of interpolations | 225 | Alessandro Languasco | CORRIGENDUM TO: On the exceptional set of Hardy-Littlewood's numbers in short intervals | 237 | |
Vol.30, No.2 (2006)
Author | Title | Page | Jan van Mill, Mikhail G.Tkachenko, Vladimir V.Tkachuk, and Richard G. Wilson | Local properties and maximal Tychonoff connected spaces | 241 | Tatsuo Nishitani and Jean Vaillant | Smoothly symmetrizable complex systems and the real reduced dimension | 259 | Masaru Iizuka, Miyuki Maeno and Matsuyo Tomisaki | Asymptotic conditional distributions related to one-dimensional generalized diffusion processes | 273 | Jong Taek Cho | Levi-parallel hypersurfaces in a complex space form | 329 | Taka-aki Tanaka | Algebraic independence of modified reciprocal sums of products of Fibonacci numbers | 345 | Dorota Kowalczyk | On the Reissner-Nordstörm-de Sitter type spacetimes | 363 | Katsumi Nagai | The integrated density of stated of one-dimensional random Schrödinger operator with white noise potential and background | 383 | Vitalij A.Chatyrko | Subspaces of the Sorgenfrey line and their products | 401 | Alessia Ascanelli | Gevrey well posedness for a second order weakly hyperbolic equation with non regular in time coefficients | 415 | Hiroshi Tanaka and Hirokazu Yokoyama | Quantifier elimination of the products of ordered Abelian groups | 433 | Florian Luca and Igor E. Shparlinski | On the number of polynomial maps into Zn | 439 | |