Table of contents

Mathematical Research Note

Nos. 2007-001-- 003
Piero D'Ancona, Tamotu Kinoshita and Sergio Spagnolo
On the 2 by 2 Weakly Hyperbolic Systems
Masafumi Akahira
The first and second order large-deviation efficiency for an exponential family of distributions and in certain curved exponential model
Katsuhiro Moriya
Super-conformal surfaces associated with null complex holomorphic curves
Nos. 2006-001-- 002
M. Akahira and N. Ohyauchi
The asymptotic bound by the Kiefer type information inequality and its attainment
Katsuhiro Moriya
The denominators of Lagrangian surfaces in complex Euclidean plane 
Nos. 2005-001-- 003
Ken-ichi Koike
Sequential interval estimation of a location parameter with the fixed width in the non-regular case
Hidekazu Tanaka
Location-scale parameter family of distributions attaining the
Bhattacharyya bound 
Hideaki Sunagawa
Lower bounds of the lifespan of small data solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Nos. 2004-001-- 008
Yuki Kurokawa
The sharp lifespan of radially 
 symmetric solutions to nonlinear
 wave systems in even space
Michael Reissing and Tamotu Kinoshita
About the loss of derivatives for
strictly hyperbolic equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients
Nariyuki MINAMI
Statistics for the number of vertices of Galton-Watson trees
Naoki Fujino and
Mitsuru Yamazaki
Conservation Laws with Vanishing Diffusion and Dispersion
Hideaki Sunagawa
Remarks on the asymptotic behavior of the cubic nonlinear Klein-Gordon
equations in one space dimension
Masafumi Akahira
Large-deviation efficiency of
first and second order
Tamotu Kinoshita
and Sergio Spagnolo
Hyperbolic equations with non
analytic coefficients well posed
in all Gevrey classes
Hideaki Sunagawa
Large time behavior of solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation with nonlinear dissipative terms
Nos. 2003-001-- 009
Katsuhiro Moriya
Minimal surfaces with rotational
symmetry and their moduli spaces
H. J. Kang, T. Sakai, M. Takahashi, and H. Tasaki
Poincare formulas of complex
Hong Jae Kang, Takashi Sakai, and
Young Jin Suh
Kinematic formulas for hypersurfaces in real space forms
Hidekazu Tanaka
Location and scale parameter family of distributions attaining the
Bhattacharyya bound
Ken-ichi Koike
Comparison of Some Bounds
in Estimation Theory -Revisited
Yuki Kurokawa
The lifespan of radially symmetric solutions to nonlinear systems of odd
dimensional wave equations
Vladimir Georgiev,
Hiroyuki Takamura,
and Zhou Yi
The lifespan of solutions to nonlinear systems of high dimensional wave
Masafumi Akahira,
Nao Ohyauchi, and
Kei Takeuchi
On the Pitman estimator for a
family of non-regular distributions
Takuma Ogawa
The Connection of the analytic functions from a point of view to some plane algebraic curves