Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics
Vol.36, No.1 (2012)
Author | Title | Page | Kunihiko Kajitani | Asymptotic behaviors for multidimensional Kirchhoff equations | 1 | Keiichi Kikuchi | The construction of rotation surfaces of constant mean curvature and the corresponding Lagrangians | 43 | Masaru Kada and Yasuo Yoshinobu | Galois-Tukey connection involving sets of metrics | 53 | Tomohiro Fukaya | Sublinear Higson corona of Euclidean cone | 67 | Yasutomo Asai | Loop groups $SL_2(F[X,X^-1])$, universal central extensions and additive Steinberg symbols | 79 | Mayuko Kon | Pseudo-parallel CR submanifolds of a complex space form | 99 | Takao Hayami | Hochschild cohomology ring of a maximal order of the quaternion algebra | 111 | Gao-Yan Jia and Zhen-Rong Zhou | Gaps of $F$-Yang-Mills fields on submanifolds | 121 | Yoshiteru Kurosawa | On a classification of 3-simple prehomogeneous vector spaces with two irreducible components | 135 | |