Mathematical Research Note 1 item 1 item 5 items 10 items 20 items 50 items 100 items Created date(Descending) Sort Created date(Ascending) Created date(Descending) Modified date(Ascending) Modified date(Descending) Search Nos. 2014-001No.AuthorTitle 2014-001M. Akahira,S. Hashimoto,K. Koike,N. OhyauchiSecond order asymptotic comparison of the MLE and MCLE for a two-sided truncated exponential family of distributions « 123456789 »
Nos. 2014-001No.AuthorTitle 2014-001M. Akahira,S. Hashimoto,K. Koike,N. OhyauchiSecond order asymptotic comparison of the MLE and MCLE for a two-sided truncated exponential family of distributions