Mathematical Research Note
Nos. 2000-001-- 011
No. | Author | Title | 2000-001 | Mitsuru Aoki and Makoto Aoshima | Two-stage procedure having second- order properties for selecting the S best populations | 2000-002 | Ken-ichi Koike | Bahadur efficiency in the sequential estimation | 2000-003 | Eisuke Hida | Prediction intervals for a chi distribution with a scale parameter | 2000-004 | Masafumi Akahira and Yuji Nishihira | Prediction sufficiency and sequential experimentation | 2000-005 | Kunihiko Kajitani, Seiichiro Wakabayashi, and Karen Yagdjian | The $C^\infty$-well posed Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators with multiple characteristics vanishing with the different speeds | 2000-006 | Michael Dreher | Weakly Hyperbolic Equations, Sobolev Spaces of Variable Order, and Propagation of Singularities | 2000-007 | Haruhisa Ishida and Karen Yagdjian | On a precise Levi condition in Gevrey classes for some infinitely degenerate hyperbolic equations and its necessity | 2000-008 | Fumihiko Hirosawa and Hideo Nakazawa | Precise energy decay estimates for the dissipative hyperbolic equations in an exterior domain | 2000-009 | Michael Dreher and Ingo Witt | Edge Sobolev Spaces and Weakly Hyperbolic Equations | 2000-010 | Ferruccio Colombini and Tamotu Kinoshita | On the Gevrey wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of higher order | 2000-011 | Kei Takeuchi and Masafumi Akahira | Minimax approach to sequential Bernoulli trials | |