Table of contents

Mathematical Research Note

Nos. 2000-001-- 011
Mitsuru Aoki and
Makoto Aoshima
Two-stage procedure having second- order properties for selecting the S best populations
Ken-ichi Koike
Bahadur efficiency in the
sequential estimation
Eisuke Hida
Prediction intervals for a chi
distribution with a scale parameter
Masafumi Akahira
and Yuji Nishihira
Prediction sufficiency and
sequential experimentation
Kunihiko Kajitani,
Seiichiro Wakabayashi,
and Karen Yagdjian
The $C^\infty$-well posed Cauchy
problem for hyperbolic operators with
multiple characteristics vanishing with the different speeds
Michael Dreher
Weakly Hyperbolic Equations,
Sobolev Spaces of Variable Order, and Propagation of Singularities
Haruhisa Ishida
and Karen
On a precise Levi condition in Gevrey classes for some infinitely degenerate
hyperbolic equations and its necessity
Fumihiko Hirosawa and Hideo Nakazawa
Precise energy decay estimates for the dissipative hyperbolic equations in an exterior domain
Michael Dreher and Ingo Witt
Edge Sobolev Spaces and
Weakly Hyperbolic Equations
Ferruccio Colombini and Tamotu Kinoshita
On the Gevrey wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of higher order
Kei Takeuchi and
Masafumi Akahira
Minimax approach to sequential Bernoulli trials