


氏 名論 文 題 目

坂口 英之General Linear Groups over Certain Completed Quantum Tori

宍戸 雄一Differential Geometry of the Fisher Information Metric and the Space of Probability Measures

山瀬 尊久The Geometry of Three-Dimensional Seiberg-Witten Theory

藤野 直樹Singular Limits of Scalar Conservation Laws

鈴木 宣哉Models of Peano Arithmetic as Modules over Initial Segments and Quantifier Elimination Results for Products of Ordered Abelian Groups


氏 名論 文 題 目

嶺 幸太郎Topological manifolds modeled on infinite-dimensional spaces

芦原 崇裕On vertex operator algebras whose Griess algebras are Jordan algebras

神吉 知博A Classification of Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces of Some Class

酒井 洋介Tiled orders over a discrete valuation ring and Frobenius full matrix algebras with structure systems

讃岐 勝A study of the approximate GCD

土橋 大介Groups and Lie algebras associated with one dimensional tilings

阿部 弘樹Derived equivalences for Gorenstein algebras


氏 名論 文 題 目

大内 将也Classification of Reductive Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces of some type

小副川 健A Study on Computer Algebra

上別府 陽Topology of box complexes of graphs

早乙女 飛成Differential Geometric Study of Strongly Pseudo-Convex Manifolds

冨江 雅也A generalization of Chebyshev polynomials and nonrooted posets

松本 正光Dimension and Special Metrics


氏 名論 文 題 目

横田 巧Comparison geometry of ancient solutions to the Ricci flow

大倉 安孝Computer Algebra on Lattices

藤田 力Expansivity on Dynamical systems

村田 駿祐Universal Enveloping Algebras of Low Dimensional Lie Algebras, Bernoulli Numbers and Uq(sl2)

矢田 和善Effective Methodologies in Statistical Inference with Low Sample Size Data


氏 名論 文 題 目

照井 章Symbolic-Numeric Algorithms for Univariate Polynomials


氏 名論 文 題 目

久保 隆貴A Symbolic-Numeric Study of Extended Hensel Construction(拡張ヘンゼル構成の数式・数値的研究)

清水 健一On gauge invariants of Hopf algebras(ホップ代数のゲージ不変量について)

三石 史人Geometry of Alexandrov spaces(アレクサンドロフ空間の幾何学)

石坂 敢也Energy Minimization and Point Distribution(エネルギー最小化と点分散について)

?田 倫郎A Classification of Completely Quasi-reducible Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces of Some Type(ある種の完全擬可約な概均質ベクトル空間の分類)

牧 徳達On applications of prehomogeneous vector spaces(概均質ベクトル空間の応用について)

安保 勇希A study on generic structures, existentially closed models, and random bijections(ジェネリック構造,存在閉モデル,およびランダム全単射についての研究)