


氏 名論 文 題 目

佐藤 尊文Conformal flatness and self-duality of circle bundle metrics

陣 懐鵬On quotients-images of metric

上原 成功Multi-valued function spaces and compactifications of function spaces

北本 卓也Approximate algebra and its application to control system designs

森下 和彦Mappings on function spaces

鈴木登志雄Computational complexity of Boolean formulas with query symbols

石井 直紀On Riemann-Roch graphs and coverings overd-gonal curves


氏 名論 文 題 目

橋本 真太郎Some contributions to mathematical statistics

柴田 大樹Representations of Algebraic Supergroups

吴 达茹罕Hausdorff dimension of asymptotic self-similar sets

張 志朗Inradius collapsed manifolds

田中 勇一Some topics in Model theory: model companion, recursive saturation and Schröder-Bernstein property

楊 寒彪
Homeomorphisms and metrizations of function spaces with infinite-dimensional topology


氏 名

論 文 題 目

石井 晶
Two-Sample Tests Based on Eigenstructures in the HDLSS Context

大音 智弘
On Diophantine exponents for non-Archimedean fields

小林 宗広
Symbolic computation and machine learning on logical formulas

櫻井 陽平
Rigidity of manifolds with boundary under a lower weighted Ricci curvature bound

鈴木 俊夫
Some Results on Wavelet Expansions

Caalim. Jonathan Villaroza
Rotational beta expansion

平木 正俊
Some topics in topological dynamics


氏 名

論 文 題 目

佐藤 裕
Construction of Gray code for a group based on semidirect-product structure and its application to groups of order 16

于 冬暁
Crystals for an extremal weight module over the quantized hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebra of rank 2

庄司 直高
Spectral theory for interior transmission eigenvalue problems on Riemannian manifolds


氏 名論 文 題 目

石井 大海
Bidirectional Interplay between Mathematics and Computer Science: Safety and Extensibility in Computer Algebra and Haskell

齋藤 隆大
A study of singularities with the theory of mixed Hodge modules

中村 憲史
Mathematical Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Equations and the Hyperbolic Type Navier-Stokes Equations

村尾 智
Multiple conjugation (bi)quandle colorings for handlebody-knots and their applications

松井 蘭丸
Analysis of Nonstationary Navier-Stokes Equations Approximated by Pressure Stabilization Method

藤井 克哉
Some Generalizations of Radon Transforms