Regular continua constructed by P-expansive maps of one-dimensional continua
大谷 信一
Classification of semisimple finite prehomogeneous vector spaces and simple weakly spherical homogeneous spaces
金坂 尚礼
Explicit structures of three-dimensional hypersurface purely elliptic singularities of type (0,1)
高橋 邦彦
Higher order approximations for the statistical procedures
西平 祐治
Sufficiency in the sequential experimentation
木下 保
On the Cauchy problem for the weakly hyperbolic equations
氏 名
論 文 題 目
菅野 貴弘
姜 洪在
保坂 哲也
藤澤 敦子
山崎 薫里
氏 名
論 文 題 目
中澤 宣雄
On Hypoellipticity for Pseudodifferential Operators
青木 充
Some Decision Procedures for Comparison Problems
佐垣 大輔
Crystal Bases, Path Models, and a Twining Character Formula for Demazure Modules
飛田 英祐
Statistical Interval Prediction and Approximations to the Discrete Distributions
本田 寛伸
The Cauchy Problem for Parabolic Equation
坂本 晋子
Quasicrystals and Sturmian Words
津田 美幸
The Bioequivalence Problem and the Quantum Estimation
杉山 和成
b-Functions of Simple and2-Simple Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces
長坂 耕作
A Study on the Approximate Multivariate Factorization
鎌田 保雄
The Algorithm to Calculate the Period Matrix of the Curvexm+yn=1
On the Invariant Ring of a Certain Finite Group and Modular Forms
P.T. ペネヴァ
On Some Additive Problems in Analytic Number Theory
氏 名
論 文 題 目
酒井 高司
Group Actions and Integral Geometry
加藤 義明
On Derived Equivalent Algebras
湯澤 泰生
On the Cauchy Problem for Weakly Hyperbolic Equations
佐久間 伸也
Vertex Operator Algebras with Two τ-involutions Generating S3
小林 善司
氏 名
論 文 題 目
安藤 和典
Spectral theory for Schr\"odinger operators -- Random potential of Poisson type on Euclidean spaces, perturbation with uniform radial potential on the $ d $-regular tree and inverse scattering theory on the hexagonal lattice --
Ryu Inhyun
Universal transitivity of some prehomogeneous vector spaces
石井 佑来美
A classification of prehomogeneous vector spaces associated with exceptional Dynkin quivers by tilting modules
古賀 寛尚
Derived equivalences and invariants
森岡 悠
On inverse spectral problems for discrete Schr\"odinger operators on the squre lattice and related topics