Algorithms for Calculating Approximate Greatest Common Divisorof Univariate Polynomials (1変数多項式の近似最大公約子の計算アルゴリズム)
菅原 隆介
A Matsumoto type theorem for linear groups over rings of non-commutative Laurent polynomials (非可換ローラン多項式環上の線形群に対する松本型定理)
日浅 龍太
Combinatorial realizations of the crystal bases for extremal weight modules over quantized hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras of rank 2 (ランク2双曲型量子群上 のエクストリーマル・ウェイト加群に対する結晶基底の組合せ論的実現)
茂木 祐紀
Combinatorics related to Weyl groups, Young diagrams, and some special weights (ワイル群, ヤング図形, および いくつかの特別なウェイトに関する組み合わせ論)
伊敷 喜斗
On metric geometry of convergences and topological distributions of metric structures
佐々木 優
A study on maximal antipodal sets of compact symmetric spaces
島田 祐汰
Twisted forms of differential Lie algebras over $\mathbb{C}(t)$ associated with complex simple Lie algebras
氏 名
論 文 題 目
安福 智明
A study on Combinatorial Games
中山 優吾
Support vector machine in high-dimension low-sample size settings
氏 名
論 文 題 目
石井 大海
Bidirectional Interplay between Mathematics and Computer Science: Safety and Extensibility in Computer Algebra and Haskell
齋藤 隆大
A study of singularities with the theory of mixed Hodge modules
中村 憲史
Mathematical Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Equations and the Hyperbolic Type Navier-Stokes Equations
村尾 智
Multiple conjugation (bi)quandle colorings for handlebody-knots and their applications
松井 蘭丸
Analysis of Nonstationary Navier-Stokes Equations Approximated by Pressure Stabilization Method
藤井 克哉
Some Generalizations of Radon Transforms
氏 名
論 文 題 目
佐藤 裕
Construction of Gray code for a group based on semidirect-product structure and its application to groups of order 16
于 冬暁
Crystals for an extremal weight module over the quantized hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebra of rank 2
庄司 直高
Spectral theory for interior transmission eigenvalue problems on Riemannian manifolds
氏 名
論 文 題 目
石井 晶
Two-Sample Tests Based on Eigenstructures in the HDLSS Context
大音 智弘
On Diophantine exponents for non-Archimedean fields
小林 宗広
Symbolic computation and machine learning on logical formulas
櫻井 陽平
Rigidity of manifolds with boundary under a lower weighted Ricci curvature bound
鈴木 俊夫
Some Results on Wavelet Expansions
Caalim. Jonathan Villaroza
Rotational beta expansion
平木 正俊
Some topics in topological dynamics
氏 名
論 文 題 目
橋本 真太郎
Some contributions to mathematical statistics
柴田 大樹
Representations of Algebraic Supergroups
吴 达茹罕
Hausdorff dimension of asymptotic self-similar sets
張 志朗
Inradius collapsed manifolds
田中 勇一
Some topics in Model theory: model companion, recursive saturation and Schröder-Bernstein property
楊 寒彪
Homeomorphisms and metrizations of function spaces with infinite-dimensional topology
氏 名
論 文 題 目
菅野 貴弘
姜 洪在
保坂 哲也
藤澤 敦子
山崎 薫里
氏 名
論 文 題 目
酒井 高司
Group Actions and Integral Geometry
加藤 義明
On Derived Equivalent Algebras
湯澤 泰生
On the Cauchy Problem for Weakly Hyperbolic Equations
佐久間 伸也
Vertex Operator Algebras with Two τ-involutions Generating S3
小林 善司
氏 名
論 文 題 目
中澤 宣雄
On Hypoellipticity for Pseudodifferential Operators
青木 充
Some Decision Procedures for Comparison Problems
佐垣 大輔
Crystal Bases, Path Models, and a Twining Character Formula for Demazure Modules
飛田 英祐
Statistical Interval Prediction and Approximations to the Discrete Distributions
本田 寛伸
The Cauchy Problem for Parabolic Equation
坂本 晋子
Quasicrystals and Sturmian Words
津田 美幸
The Bioequivalence Problem and the Quantum Estimation
杉山 和成
b-Functions of Simple and2-Simple Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces
長坂 耕作
A Study on the Approximate Multivariate Factorization
鎌田 保雄
The Algorithm to Calculate the Period Matrix of the Curvexm+yn=1
On the Invariant Ring of a Certain Finite Group and Modular Forms
P.T. ペネヴァ
On Some Additive Problems in Analytic Number Theory