


氏名      論文題目
伊敷 喜斗

On metric geometry of convergences and topological distributions of metric    structures

佐々木 優 A study on maximal antipodal sets of compact symmetric spaces
島田 祐汰

Twisted forms of differential Lie algebras over $\mathbb{C}(t)$ associated with        complex simple Lie algebras


氏 名 論 文 題 目

安福 智明 A study on Combinatorial Games

中山 優吾 Support vector machine in high-dimension low-sample size settings


氏 名論 文 題 目

佐藤 尊文Conformal flatness and self-duality of circle bundle metrics

陣 懐鵬On quotients-images of metric

上原 成功Multi-valued function spaces and compactifications of function spaces

北本 卓也Approximate algebra and its application to control system designs

森下 和彦Mappings on function spaces

鈴木登志雄Computational complexity of Boolean formulas with query symbols

石井 直紀On Riemann-Roch graphs and coverings overd-gonal curves


氏 名論 文 題 目

新井 達也Regular continua constructed by P-expansive maps of one-dimensional continua

大谷 信一Classification of semisimple finite prehomogeneous vector spaces and simple weakly spherical homogeneous spaces

金坂 尚礼Explicit structures of three-dimensional hypersurface purely elliptic singularities of type (0,1)

高橋 邦彦Higher order approximations for the statistical procedures

西平 祐治Sufficiency in the sequential experimentation

木下 保On the Cauchy problem for the weakly hyperbolic equations


氏 名論 文 題 目

菅野 貴弘対称R空間の標準埋め込み上の錐の面積最小性

姜 洪在リーマン等質空間上の積分幾何学

保坂 哲也コクセター群とその境界

藤澤 敦子超曲面純楕円型特異点の定義多項式について

山崎 薫里積空間における写像の拡張