


氏 名論 文 題 目

坂口 英之General Linear Groups over Certain Completed Quantum Tori

宍戸 雄一Differential Geometry of the Fisher Information Metric and the Space of Probability Measures

山瀬 尊久The Geometry of Three-Dimensional Seiberg-Witten Theory

藤野 直樹Singular Limits of Scalar Conservation Laws

鈴木 宣哉Models of Peano Arithmetic as Modules over Initial Segments and Quantifier Elimination Results for Products of Ordered Abelian Groups


氏 名論 文 題 目

天野 勝利Relative invariants, difference equations, and the Picard-Vessoit theory

稲葉 大樹A study on multivariate polynomial factorization and analytic continuation

岩見 真希A study on the analytic factorization of multivariate polynomials

矢口 雅人Hyperspaces of infinite-dimensional spaces

和田 浩吉On some properties of the second plurigenera of normal surface singularities


氏 名論 文 題 目

竹田 大佑A Classification of Irreducible Weakly Spherical Homogeneous Spaces

高橋 真生Representations of Normalizer Subgroup of Maximal Tori of the Classical Group of Type C

舞原 寛祐Set Estimation Procedures in Testing and Multiple Decision Problem

山内 貴光Selection Theorems on Realcompact Spaces and Finitistic Spaces

川口 慎二A Study of Absolute Embeddings on Relative Topological Properties

中川 知巳Volume Entropy, Geometry of Ideal Boundary, and Symmetry of Nonpositively Curved Manifolds

松橋 英市On Approximation Theorems of Maps from Compacta to Polyhedra

小川 琢磨Analogies between Circular Functions and Lemniscate Functions from a Viewpoint of Number Theory


氏 名論 文 題 目

米田 郁生CM-trivialilty and Hrushovski's Generic Construction

佐藤 弘康Integrability of Almost Kaehler Structures and an Isolation Theorem of the Weyl Conformal Tensor

名倉 誠A Reduction Theory of Representations Associated with Finite Type Quivers

藤上 雅樹A Characterization for Local Zeta Functions of Polynomials Satisfying a Certain Assumption

山内 博A Theory of Simple Current Extensions of Vertex Operator Algebras and Applications to the Moonshine Vertex Operator Algebra

大谷内 奈穂Information Inequalities for the Bayes Risk of Estimators in Non-Regular Cases

河合 伸一Ratio Estimation and the Approximation of Moments

平田 康史Subnormality and Mild Normality in Products of Ordinal Numbers

檀 裕也On the Cauchy Problem for Schroedinger Type Equations

佐藤 敦On the System of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations Appearing in the Natural Science and the Engineering

黒川 友紀The Lifespan of Solution to Systems of Semilinear Wave Equations


氏 名論 文 題 目

嶺 幸太郎Topological manifolds modeled on infinite-dimensional spaces

芦原 崇裕On vertex operator algebras whose Griess algebras are Jordan algebras

神吉 知博A Classification of Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces of Some Class

酒井 洋介Tiled orders over a discrete valuation ring and Frobenius full matrix algebras with structure systems

讃岐 勝A study of the approximate GCD

土橋 大介Groups and Lie algebras associated with one dimensional tilings

阿部 弘樹Derived equivalences for Gorenstein algebras