氏名 |
論文題目 |
池 泊明 |
Algorithms for Calculating Approximate Greatest Common Divisorof Univariate Polynomials (1変数多項式の近似最大公約子の計算アルゴリズム) |
菅原 隆介
A Matsumoto type theorem for linear groups over rings of non-commutative Laurent polynomials (非可換ローラン多項式環上の線形群に対する松本型定理) |
日浅 龍太 |
Combinatorial realizations of the crystal bases for extremal weight modules over quantized hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras of rank 2 (ランク2双曲型量子群上 のエクストリーマル・ウェイト加群に対する結晶基底の組合せ論的実現) |
茂木 祐紀 |
Combinatorics related to Weyl groups, Young diagrams, and some special weights (ワイル群, ヤング図形, および いくつかの特別なウェイトに関する組み合わせ論) |
氏名 |
論文題目 |
伊敷 喜斗 |
On metric geometry of convergences and topological distributions of metric structures
佐々木 優 |
A study on maximal antipodal sets of compact symmetric spaces |
島田 祐汰 |
Twisted forms of differential Lie algebras over $\mathbb{C}(t)$ associated with complex simple Lie algebras
氏 名 |
論 文 題 目 |
安福 智明 |
A study on Combinatorial Games |
中山 優吾 |
Support vector machine in high-dimension low-sample size settings |
氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 石井 大海
| Bidirectional Interplay between Mathematics and Computer Science: Safety and Extensibility in Computer Algebra and Haskell
| 齋藤 隆大
| A study of singularities with the theory of mixed Hodge modules
| 中村 憲史
| Mathematical Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Equations and the Hyperbolic Type Navier-Stokes Equations
| 村尾 智
| Multiple conjugation (bi)quandle colorings for handlebody-knots and their applications
| 松井 蘭丸
| Analysis of Nonstationary Navier-Stokes Equations Approximated by Pressure Stabilization Method
| 藤井 克哉
| Some Generalizations of Radon Transforms
| |
氏 名
| 論 文 題 目 |
| 佐藤 裕
| Construction of Gray code for a group based on semidirect-product structure and its application to groups of order 16 |
| 于 冬暁
| Crystals for an extremal weight module over the quantized hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebra of rank 2 |
| 庄司 直高
| Spectral theory for interior transmission eigenvalue problems on Riemannian manifolds |
| |
平成28年度氏 名
| 論 文 題 目 |
| 石井 晶
| Two-Sample Tests Based on Eigenstructures in the HDLSS Context |
| 大音 智弘
| On Diophantine exponents for non-Archimedean fields |
| 小林 宗広
| Symbolic computation and machine learning on logical formulas |
| 櫻井 陽平
| Rigidity of manifolds with boundary under a lower weighted Ricci curvature bound |
| 鈴木 俊夫
| Some Results on Wavelet Expansions |
| Caalim. Jonathan Villaroza
| Rotational beta expansion |
| 平木 正俊
| Some topics in topological dynamics |
| |
平成27年度 氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 橋本 真太郎 | Some contributions to mathematical statistics
| 柴田 大樹 | Representations of Algebraic Supergroups
| 吴 达茹罕 | Hausdorff dimension of asymptotic self-similar sets
| 張 志朗 | Inradius collapsed manifolds |
| 田中 勇一 | Some topics in Model theory: model companion, recursive saturation and Schröder-Bernstein property
| 楊 寒彪
| Homeomorphisms and metrizations of function spaces with infinite-dimensional topology | |
平成15年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 米田 郁生 | CM-trivialilty and Hrushovski's Generic Construction |
| 佐藤 弘康 | Integrability of Almost Kaehler Structures and an Isolation Theorem of the Weyl Conformal Tensor |
| 名倉 誠 | A Reduction Theory of Representations Associated with Finite Type Quivers |
| 藤上 雅樹 | A Characterization for Local Zeta Functions of Polynomials Satisfying a Certain Assumption |
| 山内 博 | A Theory of Simple Current Extensions of Vertex Operator Algebras and Applications to the Moonshine Vertex Operator Algebra |
| 大谷内 奈穂 | Information Inequalities for the Bayes Risk of Estimators in Non-Regular Cases |
| 河合 伸一 | Ratio Estimation and the Approximation of Moments |
| 平田 康史 | Subnormality and Mild Normality in Products of Ordinal Numbers |
| 檀 裕也 | On the Cauchy Problem for Schroedinger Type Equations |
| 佐藤 敦 | On the System of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations Appearing in the Natural Science and the Engineering |
| 黒川 友紀 | The Lifespan of Solution to Systems of Semilinear Wave Equations | |
平成25年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 石井 基裕 | Semi-infinite Lakshimibai-Seshadri path model for level-zero extremal weight modules over quantum affine algebras
| 金子 寛 | A method for finding a minimal point of the lattice in cubic number fields
| 越野 克久 | Infinite-dimensional manifolds and their pairs
| 福田 尚広 | On the construction of wavelets and its application to numerial analysis of differential equations
| 楊 寒彪
| Homeomorphisms and metrizations of function spaces with infinite-dimensional topology | |
平成10年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 佐藤 尊文 | Conformal flatness and self-duality of circle bundle metrics |
| 陣 懐鵬 | On quotients-images of metric |
| 上原 成功 | Multi-valued function spaces and compactifications of function spaces |
| 北本 卓也 | Approximate algebra and its application to control system designs |
| 森下 和彦 | Mappings on function spaces |
| 鈴木登志雄 | Computational complexity of Boolean formulas with query symbols |
| 石井 直紀 | On Riemann-Roch graphs and coverings overd-gonal curves | |
平成11年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 新井 達也 | Regular continua constructed by P-expansive maps of one-dimensional continua |
| 大谷 信一 | Classification of semisimple finite prehomogeneous vector spaces and simple weakly spherical homogeneous spaces |
| 金坂 尚礼 | Explicit structures of three-dimensional hypersurface purely elliptic singularities of type (0,1) |
| 高橋 邦彦 | Higher order approximations for the statistical procedures |
| 西平 祐治 | Sufficiency in the sequential experimentation |
| 木下 保 | On the Cauchy problem for the weakly hyperbolic equations | |
平成12年度 氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 菅野 貴弘 | 対称R空間の標準埋め込み上の錐の面積最小性 |
| 姜 洪在 | リーマン等質空間上の積分幾何学 |
| 保坂 哲也 | コクセター群とその境界 |
| 藤澤 敦子 | 超曲面純楕円型特異点の定義多項式について |
| 山崎 薫里 | 積空間における写像の拡張 | |
平成13年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 中澤 宣雄 | On Hypoellipticity for Pseudodifferential Operators |
| 青木 充 | Some Decision Procedures for Comparison Problems |
| 佐垣 大輔 | Crystal Bases, Path Models, and a Twining Character Formula for Demazure Modules |
| 飛田 英祐 | Statistical Interval Prediction and Approximations to the Discrete Distributions |
| 本田 寛伸 | The Cauchy Problem for Parabolic Equation |
| 坂本 晋子 | Quasicrystals and Sturmian Words |
| 津田 美幸 | The Bioequivalence Problem and the Quantum Estimation |
| 杉山 和成 | b-Functions of Simple and2-Simple Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces |
| 長坂 耕作 | A Study on the Approximate Multivariate Factorization |
| 鎌田 保雄 | The Algorithm to Calculate the Period Matrix of the Curvexm+yn=1 |
| 対島浩司 | On the Invariant Ring of a Certain Finite Group and Modular Forms |
| P.T. ペネヴァ | On Some Additive Problems in Analytic Number Theory | |
平成14年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 酒井 高司 | Group Actions and Integral Geometry |
| 加藤 義明 | On Derived Equivalent Algebras |
| 湯澤 泰生 | On the Cauchy Problem for Weakly Hyperbolic Equations |
| 佐久間 伸也 | Vertex Operator Algebras with Two τ-involutions Generating S3 |
| 小林 善司 | ルート系と符号の自己同型とその応用 | |
平成24年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 安藤 和典 | Spectral theory for Schr\"odinger operators -- Random potential of Poisson type on Euclidean spaces, perturbation with uniform radial potential on the $ d $-regular tree and inverse scattering theory on the hexagonal lattice -- |
| Ryu Inhyun | Universal transitivity of some prehomogeneous vector spaces |
| 石井 佑来美 | A classification of prehomogeneous vector spaces associated with exceptional Dynkin quivers by tilting modules |
| 古賀 寛尚 | Derived equivalences and invariants |
| 森岡 悠 | On inverse spectral problems for discrete Schr\"odinger operators on the squre lattice and related topics | |
平成16年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 天野 勝利 | Relative invariants, difference equations, and the Picard-Vessoit theory |
| 稲葉 大樹 | A study on multivariate polynomial factorization and analytic continuation |
| 岩見 真希 | A study on the analytic factorization of multivariate polynomials |
| 矢口 雅人 | Hyperspaces of infinite-dimensional spaces |
| 和田 浩吉 | On some properties of the second plurigenera of normal surface singularities | |
平成17年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 竹田 大佑 | A Classification of Irreducible Weakly Spherical Homogeneous Spaces |
| 高橋 真生 | Representations of Normalizer Subgroup of Maximal Tori of the Classical Group of Type C |
| 舞原 寛祐 | Set Estimation Procedures in Testing and Multiple Decision Problem |
| 山内 貴光 | Selection Theorems on Realcompact Spaces and Finitistic Spaces |
| 川口 慎二 | A Study of Absolute Embeddings on Relative Topological Properties |
| 中川 知巳 | Volume Entropy, Geometry of Ideal Boundary, and Symmetry of Nonpositively Curved Manifolds |
| 松橋 英市 | On Approximation Theorems of Maps from Compacta to Polyhedra |
| 小川 琢磨 | Analogies between Circular Functions and Lemniscate Functions from a Viewpoint of Number Theory | |
平成18年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 坂口 英之 | General Linear Groups over Certain Completed Quantum Tori |
| 宍戸 雄一 | Differential Geometry of the Fisher Information Metric and the Space of Probability Measures |
| 山瀬 尊久 | The Geometry of Three-Dimensional Seiberg-Witten Theory |
| 藤野 直樹 | Singular Limits of Scalar Conservation Laws |
| 鈴木 宣哉 | Models of Peano Arithmetic as Modules over Initial Segments and Quantifier Elimination Results for Products of Ordered Abelian Groups | |
平成19年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 嶺 幸太郎 | Topological manifolds modeled on infinite-dimensional spaces |
| 芦原 崇裕 | On vertex operator algebras whose Griess algebras are Jordan algebras |
| 神吉 知博 | A Classification of Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces of Some Class |
| 酒井 洋介 | Tiled orders over a discrete valuation ring and Frobenius full matrix algebras with structure systems |
| 讃岐 勝 | A study of the approximate GCD |
| 土橋 大介 | Groups and Lie algebras associated with one dimensional tilings |
| 阿部 弘樹 | Derived equivalences for Gorenstein algebras | |
平成20年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 大内 将也 | Classification of Reductive Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces of some type |
| 小副川 健 | A Study on Computer Algebra |
| 上別府 陽 | Topology of box complexes of graphs |
| 早乙女 飛成 | Differential Geometric Study of Strongly Pseudo-Convex Manifolds |
| 冨江 雅也 | A generalization of Chebyshev polynomials and nonrooted posets |
| 松本 正光 | Dimension and Special Metrics | |
平成21年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 横田 巧 | Comparison geometry of ancient solutions to the Ricci flow |
| 大倉 安孝 | Computer Algebra on Lattices |
| 藤田 力 | Expansivity on Dynamical systems |
| 村田 駿祐 | Universal Enveloping Algebras of Low Dimensional Lie Algebras, Bernoulli Numbers and Uq(sl2) |
| 矢田 和善 | Effective Methodologies in Statistical Inference with Low Sample Size Data |
論文博士氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 照井 章 | Symbolic-Numeric Algorithms for Univariate Polynomials | |
平成22年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 久保 隆貴 | A Symbolic-Numeric Study of Extended Hensel Construction(拡張ヘンゼル構成の数式・数値的研究) |
| 清水 健一 | On gauge invariants of Hopf algebras(ホップ代数のゲージ不変量について) |
| 三石 史人 | Geometry of Alexandrov spaces(アレクサンドロフ空間の幾何学) |
| 石坂 敢也 | Energy Minimization and Point Distribution(エネルギー最小化と点分散について) |
| ?田 倫郎 | A Classification of Completely Quasi-reducible Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces of Some Type(ある種の完全擬可約な概均質ベクトル空間の分類) |
| 牧 徳達 | On applications of prehomogeneous vector spaces(概均質ベクトル空間の応用について) |
| 安保 勇希 | A study on generic structures, existentially closed models, and random bijections(ジェネリック構造,存在閉モデル,およびランダム全単射についての研究) | |
平成23年度氏 名 | 論 文 題 目 |
| 黒澤 恵光 | On a classification of reductive prehomogeneous vector spaces of some type (ある種の簡約可能概均質ベクトル空間の分類について) |
| 金 佼? | Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimation and Loss of Information (最小分散不偏推定及び情報損失) |
| 浅井 康友 | Universal central extensions and Schur multipliers derived from loop groups SL2(F[X, X-1]) (ループ群 SL2(F[X, X-1])の普遍中心拡大およびシュアー乗法因子群について) |
| 竹内 耕太 | A study of types and definable sets in first order structures (一階の構造におけるタイプと定義可能集合についての研究) | |