

日時 2017年2月21日(火)17:00~18:00
場所 筑波大学 自然系学系D棟 D814
講演者 逆井卓也 氏 (東京大学 大学院数理科学研究科)
講演題目 Homologically fibered knots and closed 3-manifolds
アブストラクト It is well-known that every closed orientable 3-manifold has a fibered knot. Based on the homological simplification of this fact, we define a genus invariant for closed orientable 3-manifolds by using homologically fibered knots. We first discuss how this invariant relates to other fundamental invariants of 3-manifolds. Then we interpret it in terms of structures of groups associated with homology cobordisms of surfaces. Some explicit computational results are also mentioned.