
2015-2 Blog Entry List


高次元統計解析で世界的に著名な J. S. Marron教授が来日します。


日 時:2015年2月20日(金)13:30-15:00
場 所:筑波大学自然系学系棟D棟 D814 (筑波キャンパス内)
講演者:J. S. Marron (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
                      National University of Singapore)
題 目:High Dimension Low Sample Size Asymptotics
要 旨:
The asymptotics of growing sample size are the foundation of classical
mathematical statistics.  But modern big data challenges suggest
consideration of growing dimension as well.  A perhaps extreme case of
this has fixed sample size.  That context is seen to have some
counter-intuitive mathematical structure.  These non-standard ways of
thinking about data are seen to be the key to understanding important
aspects of real genomic data.

世話人: 青嶋 誠 (数学域)