

Satellite Seminar of Tsukuba Workshop for Young Mathematicians

Satellite Seminar of Tsukuba Workshop for Young Mathematicians

ZHANG Qing and LU Jinpeng
1/31 (Thu) 10:20--12:30

10:20--11:20   ZHANG Qing
Title  On Torsionfree simple $\mathfrak{A}_1$-modules

The problems of determining the irreducible representations of the Lie algebra $$\mathfrak{sl}_2$$ and of the Weyl algebra $$\mathfrak{A}_1$$ has been solved by Richard E. Block in 1981. Let$$\mathfrak{A} = \mathfrak{A}_1(\mathbb{Q})$$ be the associative algebra $$\mathbb{Q}[q; p]$$ with two generators p, qsubject to the relation pq - qp = 1 and $$\mathfrak{B} = \mathfrak{B}(\mathbb{Q}) = \mathbb{Q}(q)[p]$$.In this talk,I will explain how to determine the socle of $$\mathfrak{B}/\mathfrak{B}b$$ ($$b\in \mathfrak{B}$$ is irreduclible) as $$\mathfrak{A}$$-module which gives all of the $$S = \mathbb{Q}[q]-\{0\}$$-torsion free simple$$\mathfrak{A}$$-modules.

11:30--12:30   LU Jinpeng
Title  Curvature estimates on stable CMC hypersurfaces
We will discuss curvature estimates and Bernstain-type theorems on stable CMC hypersurfaces. We will also talk about techniques to derive local curvature estimates.